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"I'd recommend coaching to any business owner wanting to take the reigns back, get clear direction and a way forward. Geoff was able to help me focus on the big picture, as well as deal with the details as and when needed and I most appreciated the way he met me at my bus stop, so to speak - with a down to earth and holistic approach to running a business. A great support!"

"What was interesting about the coaching was that you get me to do the work. I didn't really understand how much impact that would have until I went through the coaching process. What that did was challenge my thinking and got me spending more time "on" the business and I know it's a cliche, but it's true. My quality of life if much better, I've got more balance and my business is going really well too. All of that was born out of the coaching work we did. Definitely a worthwhile investment."

"The Better Business Academy Leadership Training course
exposed me to a Coach Approach to leadership which was
different and has resulted in me being more strategic and
more effective in my business than before, especially when
working with my team. Definitely a worthwhile investment
of time and money.”

"I have enjoyed the pressure of having a completion date. We’ve gained so much clarification on where the business is headed and I’m excited! Thanks Geoff it’s been a great experience and I’ve enjoyed the journey."

"It has given me clarity, exposed me to new learning and concepts.
A low-level monetary investment for these life changes."

"I’m well on the way to having more free time away from the business with a successful management plan implemented. Without Geoff’s experience the ‘successful’ part of the management plan may have proved more of a problem. It proved to be excellent value."

"I have achieved one of my ‘long term’ personal goals; that the business could be operated by its ‘management team’ giving me the freedom to choose how and where I spend my time. Geoff provided the expertise and knowledge to recognise this situation and expand on the endless possibilities that came with ‘choice’. Having someone to bounce ideas off and offer independent advice from his strong base of business experience was great."

"I have learned a lot. I’m being a lot more strategic now, I’ve started a second business, promoted two key people to management positions and am no longer working in the businesses, unless I choose to. I am now very clear about my direction whereas before it was a bit of a lucky dip. A really worthwhile investment of time and money."

"Since joining the Top Table programme I have made a lot of changes for the better. We’re getting more of the important stuff done, taking more action and making faster progress. Having a monthly meeting with a group of like-minded business owners has been great. We share issues, opportunities and ideas and keep each other more accountable too. I thoroughly enjoy it and would be a bit lost without Top Table to be honest."

"When I started Top Table I was only working 1 day per week in my business and surfing, biking and travelling around NZ the rest of the week. While that seemed like the dream on one level I now realise I was just cruising along and didn't have any direction. After being on the Top Table programme I’ve got my mojo back, I’m more organised and we’ve got a lot more momentum. I’m really enjoying it and want to keep going."

"Top Table has given me a deeper level of understanding about the practicalities and benefits of thinking and acting more strategically in business. It’s also been beneficial to have a forum of like-minded business people to bounce ideas off and share experience around issues and opportunities. I’ve enjoyed the different thinking."

"Top Table has helped me get a lot clearer about the direction of my business, my role in the business, how to position ourselves and what we want the business to look like as we grow. I’ve expanded my thinking, gained a bunch of new skills and have a load of practical tools to help me make quality decisions as we grow to the next level. I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to learn, grow and do even better in business."

“Sharing and discussing specific challenges our businesses were facing each month was great! It gave us insights and ideas we just wouldn't have uncovered ourselves. I recommend Top Table to any business looking to grow.”

“I came away from my first Top Table session brimming with excitement, and I stayed up that night making plans for the business. I already feel much more engaged as a business owner, rather than just as the most senior worker. Can't wait for the next one.”

“Having a number of other Business Owners hold me accountable to carry out the decisions I’ve made has been spectacular for me. I’ve noticed a huge change in the way I’m thinking as an owner and about the future of my Business.”

“I’ve moved so far forward in not only my business but also as a Business Owner. I’d recommend anyone serious about growing their business to find out about joining a Top Table group”

“Top Table was like having a Board of Directors for my business when I don’t really have one. I wish it could carry on for another 12 months to be honest.”

"After a year of working with Geoff we are definitely at another level now."

"I recently Invested in a coaching with Geoff Knox to develop my leadership skills for my promotion to Branch Manager. I now have more confidence in my role, my work is more enjoyable and less stressful, I have a happier team and my personal relationships have improved too. I’m very happy and can highly recommend Geoff’s service."
