Privacy Policy

Please see our terms and conditions of use.

Terms of Use of Privacy Policy 

We are committed to protecting your privacy online. This Privacy Policy describes the  personal information we collect through this website at (the  “Site”), and how we collect and use that information. The terms “we”, “us”, and “our” refers  to Better Business Academy Limited. The terms “user”, “you”, and “your” refer to site  visitors, customers, and any other users of the Site. 

We respect your rights to privacy under the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand) and are  compliant with its requirements in respect of the collection, management and disclosure of  your personal information. We also uphold your rights to privacy if you are based in the  European Union, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU). 

Use of the Site, including all materials presented herein and all online services provided, is  subject to the following Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies to all Site visitors,  customers, and all other users of the Site. By using the Site or Services, you agree to this  Privacy Policy, without modification and acknowledge reading it. 

  1. Privacy Policy 

1.1 The information below applies to personal information (information about an  identifiable individual) we collect about you when you visit and browse our website.  

1.2 When you visit our website, we collect some non-personal information, such as the  IP address from which you accessed this website, the date and time you are visiting,  the pages you accessed, the type of browser and operating system you use, and  terms you use to search for content on our site. This information cannot be used to  personally identify you. We use it for the purposes of system administration, auditing  use of the site and improving it for different customer profiles, and for our internal  reporting.  

1.3 Our website relies on the use of cookies, which are small files stored on the hard  drive of your computer. While we recommend you enable cookies in order to enjoy  our website, it is up to you whether you enable them or not. Not all features of our  site may be available if you do not enable cookies.  

1.4 If you choose to provide us with personal information such as your email address, for example by filling out an electronic query or subscription request, we will use the  information only for the purposes that you authorise it to be used for. We will send  you email marketing to that email address if you agree to us doing so. If you wish to  unsubscribe from any email marketing communications you have previously agreed  we can send you, you can: 

  1. follow the unsubscribe instructions in the email; 
  2. write to us using the contact details in that email message. 

1.5 When you provide us with personal information, we will comply with the provisions of  the Privacy Act 1993 (the “Act”), and if you are based in the European Union, the  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU). We will collect, hold, use and  disclose that information in accordance with the principles set out in the Act and  where applicable, the GDPR. This means we will:

  1. use personal information only for the purpose we collect it for; 
  2. retain that information only for so long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for  which we have collected it; 
  3. not disclose or release it to a third party unless you have authorised the  release or disclosure, or we are required to or we are permitted by law to do  so, or where it is the purpose (or a directly related purpose) for which the  information was collected.  
  4. Facilitate your rights in relation to access to, rectification of, eraser and  portability of your personal information. 

If you think we have breached the Act, or the GDPR, or you would like to find out  more about our obligations, information is available on the Privacy Commissioner’s  website at  

1.6 If you wish to enquire about your personal information, please write to our Data  Protection Officer at  

  1. Disclaimer 

2.1 The information we provide on the website is provided to you in good faith.  However, it is intended as an introduction to the services and products we provide to  our customers and members. If you become a customer or member of Better  Business Academy, you will then be subject to the membership rules which apply to  all our members. If you purchase resources or services from us then at the time you  place an order with us, you will be making an offer to purchase those resources or  services. We can accept or decline that in our discretion. Separate terms relating to  the sale and purchase of those resources or services will apply.  

2.2 While we will do our best to make sure that the website is available, we cannot  guarantee that it will always be uninterrupted or that your access will be error-free, or  that any files available for download will be error-free or free from viruses, faults or  defects.  

2.3 Links or references to other websites are provided for your convenience only. Other  websites are not under our control. We have not reviewed them and we do not  endorse or assume responsibility for the contents of any other website.  

2.4 If you wish to link to this website, you should request our permission. To do so,  contact us at You must not do anything  which alters our website or interferes with how it works. 

  1. Intellectual Property 

3.1 Unless otherwise shown, we own all the copyright and other intellectual property  rights on the material on this website. The material on this site is subject to  copyright except where it is otherwise noted. If you are a customer or member you  can use the material for your own use on the terms set out in our licence, sale and  purchase or membership agreement provided that you acknowledge the source of  the material and that you do not remove any copyright, trade mark or other  intellectual property notices contained in the content, but you must not use the material in a misleading way, or for commercial gain unless you have been licenced  by us to do so. 

3.2 However, you must not use any of our trade marks in any other way without our  permission.  

  1. Courses, Webinars and Forums 

4.1 If you participate in an event, course, discussion forum, chat room, webinar or other  event, you should be aware that the information you provide there will be made  broadly available to others, (potentially inside or outside Better Business Academy) who have access to that discussion forum or chat room. Also, please recognise that  individual forums and chat rooms may have additional rules and conditions. Each  participant’s opinion on a forum or chat room is his or her own and should not be  considered as reflecting the opinion of Better Business Academy. 

4.2 Please be advised that for any forum, webinars or other event, you attend,  recordings can be enabled by a meeting or webinar host. By signing up for any of  Better Business Academy, or any other host(s) authorised by Better Business  Academy, webinar services or otherwise using them in any way, including without  limitation by attending any Better Business Academy event, meeting or webinar, you  expressly acknowledge that we may make and store recordings of meetings or  webinars, and may make such recordings available to hosts and other attendees at  the direction of Better Business Academy. If you do not want to be recorded, you  can choose to leave the meeting or webinar. 

  1. Security 

5.1 We maintain security measures to protect your personal information from  unauthorised access, misuse, or disclosure. However, as our website is linked to the  internet, and the internet is inherently insecure, we cannot provide any assurance  regarding the security of transmission of information you communicate to us online.  We also cannot guarantee that the information you supply will not be intercepted  while being transmitted over the internet. Accordingly, any personal information or  other information which you transmit to us online is transmitted at your own risk. You  agree that we are not responsible for any intercepted information shared through our  Site without our knowledge or permission. Additionally, you release us from any and  all claims arising out of or related to the use of such intercepted information in any  unauthorised manner. 

  1. Accessing or Updating Your Information 

6.1 You have the right to ask us for a copy of your personal data in a common format  (such as a .csv file). To do so, please contact us via email at 

6.2 You may update your subscriber information using the link at the bottom of our  emails or by contacting us via email at 

6.3 If you believe that personal information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete or  inaccurate, then you may request us to amend it. We will consider if the information requires correction. If we do not agree that there are grounds for correction, then we  will add a note to the personal information stating that you disagree with it. 

6.4 To unsubscribe from our email database or opt out of any communications, you can  use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails you have received, or contact us  at, with “unsubscribe” in the subject line of  the email. 

  1. Other 

7.1 If you post any material to our site which we believe (in our own discretion) is  inaccurate or inappropriate for our site, we may remove it.  

7.2 Nothing in these terms affects any rights you may have under the Consumer  Guarantees Act 1993.  

7.3 New Zealand law governs this website. 

7.4 Changes or updates to the content of this website may occur at any time. These  terms may be changed or updated from time to time. Changes may take the form of  completely new terms. We will post any changes on this website; any change  applies from the date it is posted.


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